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Awareness of Heroin Facts

What is Heroin?

Heroin, which is also called as diamorphine, is an opioid analgesic and is used to treat extreme pains caused by situations like heart attacks. The common street names of Heroin are; white girl, Lady, brown sugar, goods, smack, black tar, H, Harry, junk, etc. The essential Heroin facts reveal that Heroin, in its purest form appears like a white powder and is derived from dried mild of poppy opium.

People use it in forms of injection, snorting, inhaling, sniffing, or through mouth. It is most often smoked by melting it in tin foil and heating the foil while the fumes are inhaled. This form of inhalation is called 'chasing the dragon' or tooting though many a times Heroin is injected.

Heroin Facts on Production

Most of the Heroin products originate from the farms of opium poppy in regions like:

- Primarily in Pakistan and Afghanistan in the 'Golden Crescent' of South West Asia

- Primarily in Myanmar in the 'Golden Triangle' of South East Asia

- Primarily in Columbia in Latin America

The gum of opium is made into morphine in the labs closer to the fields and then taken to other main labs of the city or country to be made into Heroin. The important Heroin facts show that Drug dealers, who import this, dilute or cut the heroin with starch, sugar, or powdered mild before selling into the street. It is tough for the user to predict the amount of heroin present in the drug, as quinine is added to replicate the bitter taste of heroin. This is because; according to Heroin facts, normally, 1 part of heroin is diluted from 9 to 99 parts and supplied by various dealers.

Heroin Facts: Effects on Brain

When Heroin enters the brain, it is converted into morphine and binds itself to the receptors called the opioid receptors, which are located in various areas of the brain and body. Opioid receptors are also found in the stem of the brain, which is very important for automatic processing such as respiration, arousal, blood pressures, etc.

When the basic Heroin facts are that, when Heroin is injected, users experience an euphoric feeling and a rush accompanied by dryness of mouth, heaviness of the extremities, warm flush in the skin, and clouded emotion and mental state. Following this, the user experiences a combination of altered drowsiness and wakefulness. For users who do not adapt the injection method, experience the same except the initial rush.

Other Heroin facts reveal that, with regular usage of Heroin, there is a tolerance developed by the user and the response to the drug reduces, which in turn induces increased usage of the drug to receive the same effect. Heroin facts and studies also reveal that over 23% of Heroin users become dependent on the drug.

Heroin Facts on Usage

Heroin is used for medicinal purpose, recreation, and abused by many who have eventually become addicts.

Medical Usage: Heroin facts state that the medical term of Heroin is diamorphine or diacetylmorphine, and is prescribed as a high analgesic (pain reliever) for the treatment of severe pains during post-surgery, myocardial infarction, physical trauma, chronic pain like cancer and many of the terminal illnesses.

Recreational Usage: Heroin is used as a popular recreational drug for relaxation and euphoric effects. According to the Heroin facts statistic, body develops quick tolerance to Heroin and hence users start using increased doze to attain same effects.

Other than these, Heroin is mixed with marijuana or tobacco and smoked in a cigarette or pipe or inhaled by heating and burning them to release fumes.

In addition, intravenous injections produce a rush and are an economical way of administering the drug. Heroin facts reveal that, injection takes less amount of Heroin than other methods. Heroin abusers most often administer other types of drugs too to 'speedball' by taking cocaine or use marijuana or alcohol to increase the effects of high feeling.

Heroin Facts: The Adverse Effects Caused by Heroin

The abuse of this drug is mostly associated with severe health conditions, which include:

- Instant abortion

- Fatal overdose


- Hepatitis

Other Heroin facts about chronic users include:

- Collapsed veins

- Infection in the valves and linings of heart

- Abscesses

- Kidney and liver diseases

- Pneumonia

The toxic contents of the Heroin lead to various health issues, which affect various organs including the brain and cause permanent harm to the vital organs.

The essential Heroin facts are that, when it is administered during pregnancy can have adverse effects to the fetus and might even cause physical Heroin dependency for the baby, which would lead to severe complications to the baby.

Heroin Facts on Crime

Several Heroin facts and studies reveal that it has been associated largely with crime, as the import and distribution are illegal and hence involve in many illegal activities too. Abusers and addicts turn to prostitution and theft to make money to own the drug. In addition, there is a huge competition between the dealers of the drug, which has lead to several cases of murders and deaths of various bystanders. During the 1990s, the number of arrests in the United States in this regard had increased due to the popularity of the drug.

In contrast to the higher tiers, several street dealers are also imprisoned most often and they have limited financial gain.

Heroin Facts on Withdrawal

This term is used to denote the range of symptoms that occur when the abuser of Heroin suddenly stops the habit or even reduces the usage after a long-time use. The Heroin facts reveal that, the withdrawal symptoms might begin anywhere between 6 and 24 hours after the user ceases the drug. This depends on the tolerance level and there is a huge range of withdrawal symptoms that are experienced. Some of them are chills, cramps, tremors, extreme pain, physical symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, cravings, insomnia, depression, dizziness, nausea, sneezing, weakness, itching, restless legs, perspiration, chills, and so on.

Rare symptoms on withdrawal include strokes, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, and even suicide attempts.

Heroin Facts on the risks involved are; abusers would face such as poisoning of adulterated Heroin of the streets if it had been cut with deadly or dangerous substances. This could cause serious effects.


Being aware of the Heroin facts would greatly help individuals get out of the habit with proper professional support to lead a healthy and happy life.