Morphine is an opioid medication, which is an analgesic (pain reliever), and is said to be the original opioid. Morphine is an alkaloid element, which is abundantly found in opium and was the first active element purified from the source of a plane and is one of the 50 alkaloids that are found in opium. The other street names of morphine include M, 13, Emma, cube, morf, mofo, dry grog, white hop, uncle, coby, gold dust, love dust, monkey dust, and so on. Morphine is also marketed under several brand names like Algedol, Avinza, Infumorph, Filnarine, Loceptin, and many other brand names.
Morphine occurs as feathery, white, and silky crystals; cubical crystal masses; or white powdered crystal and dissolves in water and slightly in alcohol.
Let us take a look at all the uses and effects of morphine along with its abuse.
Is Morphine a prescription drug?
Yes, it is. Morphine is basically used to treat acute, severe, and chronic pain. It is used during labor pains and during myocardial infarctions and during post surgical pains. The dosage however, is varied according to the tolerance level and in most cases is started only with low doses. Morphine is mostly used for short-term as well as long-term pain control. Nevertheless, since it is a narcotic analgesic, the usage is very limited and for a very short period of time. Occasionally, morphine is prescribed of other uses and used as off-label to relieve pain in kids, or to relieve shortness of breath, etc.
Morphine was initially used as a painkiller and mistakenly as a cure for opium addiction.
Morphine binds to the opioid receptors of the brain and the CNS (central nervous system) and reduces the perception of pain and the emotional response to the ache.
Things to be discussed with the doctor before taking morphine
There are certain physical conditions, which have to be discussed with the doctor prior to administering the drug. Rather, the health administrators would check for the following when they have to prescribe morphine:
Other than the above aspects, there are some drugs that interact with morphine and cause adverse effects in the body, which have to be ruled out before the drug is administered.
Usage of Morphine
The dosage of morphine also varies considering the above facts along with the severity of the pain. Since morphine comes in the form of capsule, tablet, injection, or liquid, and it varies according to the condition of the patient.
When morphine is administered orally, it is advised to take it along with food to avoid stomach upset. Morphine must never be taken along with alcohol and must be taken only as prescribed by the physician.
Morphine must not be stopped without the advice of the doctor, as it would have adverse effect on health.
Effects of Morphine
Since morphine binds the opioid receptors of the body, this has various effects such as cough suppression, euphoria, nausea, changes in the circulatory system, drowsiness, etc.
Medical effects include:
Recreational effects
Since morphine gives a high feeling or euphoric or pleasurable feeling, this drug is abused by many for recreational purposes due to its availability. Frequent usage however, leads to dependency on this drug and eventually to addiction. Slowly higher dosage of morphine is required to produce same high effects.
Side effects
As with any other drug, morphine also has its side effects. However, many tolerate morphine to a large extent and only few have side effects that require medical attention. Some of the side effects include drowsiness, sweating, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, constipation, etc.
Adverse effects that requires immediate medical attention
Very rarely the side effects of morphine are potentially serious and these must be addressed at once:
Other lighter versions of effects include: Anemia, insomnia, fever, dry skin, chills, back pain, delayed menstruation, abnormal dreams, vertigo, sweating, shaky muscles, loss of appetite, hiccups, heart palpitations, dry mouth, taste changes, and many other symptoms that are common.
Addiction with Morphine
It is hard to predict when a person gets addicted to prescribed morphine medication, as certain symptoms are common between addiction and conditions when the morphine dosage is not sufficient. However, most often as a narcotic, this drug creates a physical dependence is common, which over prolonged use might be abused and turn into addiction.
Morphine withdrawal
Since this is a narcotic opiate, abrupt ceasing could cause withdrawal symptoms, which include joint pain, dilated pupils, muscle pain, sweating, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, high blood pressure, loss of appetite, nausea, rapid heartbeat, chills, etc.
Since morphine creates dependency, it requires professional assistance to come out of the addiction or habit and has to be done with care. Addiction withdrawal can lead to emotional and physical trauma including heart attack, stroke, or at times death.